'LOVE IS TRULY GREATER THAN HATE'! Milton Bullock Invites President Trump to Princeville, NC

Image result for trumpNEWS RELEASE!!!! NEWS RELEASE!!!!
August 22nd, 2017

Princeville, NC____Princeville's Commissioner Milton Bullock has been desperately throughout his entire life trying to demonstrate that 'LOVE IS TRULY GREATER THAN HATE'! FYI. From mesmerizing some 400-500 Klansmen on the South side (Calumet Park) of Chicago back in 1987 to delivering mail to hundreds each and everyday. And socialized with them during after hours working on cars and savoring vegetables from their backyard gardens! To even daring to attempt to invite President Donald Trump to visit his hometown of Historical Princeville, NC--officially tagged as 'The Oldest Settlement & Founded (1885-Freedom Hill) by some of the First Freed Slaves; and twenty years later, Chartered as Princeville-1885).

What makes this place so unusually unordinary is that is was settled in the middle of a 'REAL SWAMP' right after President Abe Lincoln introduced the final version of the 'Emancipation Proclamation;, abolishing Slavery and bringing an end to the Civil War. Please be mindful that we're speaking of two Republican Presidents that played critical roles in the lives of millions of Blacks, making a pitence of a difference with the Will Power they both were consumed of. And here in the Year of Our Lord of 2017, we're still being asked 'What Do You Have To Loose?' Well, we presented back in May 15th this year; "an official invitation" to President Donald Trump (hand delivered) accompanied with a package containing a 'gift' from Princeville sharing what we actually had to loose besides our lives; as it related to The Mosquitoes, reptiles infestered SWAMP We, Our Ancestors and the Native Americans had to survice since prior to the 1700's.

Being of a resilient nature our ancestors managed to build and tranformed their dismal vision into a village known to today as Historical Princeville. Still being plagued annually during each and every Hurrican Season of being devastated by the unpredicatable 'Tar River' that runs to the Pamlico Sound all the way from the NC/VA State lines. Creating havoc and misery to the vulnerbale communities resting upon the river banks. But none has endured so much devastation and destruction as this small little community of Princeville. And the problem is mendable with the adequate funds in place; that such Engineering Agencies as USACE [United States Army Corps of Engineers] requires to come in, studdy and preceed to make the areas (communities along the Tar River Basin) less proned to flooding during te peak of the Hurricane Seasons.

We're praying that this message reaches President Trump's Advisory TEAM and he will be receptive to visit these critical areas, and see for himself what small little communities similar in likeness to Princeville really has to loose. As time is of the essence, and 'Mother Nature' apparently has a mind of her very own. We're soliciting all "Prayer Warriors" to unite as we enter further into the Hurricane Season. Of which is predicting a horrendous future for the local regional "SWAMP Dwellers" of eastern North Carolina! May God continue to have Mercy upon Our Souls; and May HE Bless America in the Process!" And President Trump will seiged this moment of his Presidential Tenure to confirm and prove to the entire World that against all ODDS;..."LOVE IS GREATER THAN HATE!"
Submitted by:
Milton Bullock /
Freelance Journalist/Columnist
Historical Princeville, NC
Commissioner Milton Bullock / Ward 1
252.823.3740 H
252.813.1758 C
From: Milton Bullock [miltonbullock@hotmail.com]

More info on Milton...Click Here


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