Speak with Poise to Be Heard
Speak with Poise to Be Heard
Speaking up is sometimes necessary, but there are two sides of how one is to proceed. The first is, “silence is golden” and translates to keeping quiet. But the problem with not speaking up is that it signals you agree with what is taking place which probably is not the case. On the other hand, when one does voice their opinion, it is seen as a combative position, particularly when undesirable language is used.
Establishing credibility is the better approach to get your point heard. Provide insights on how you may resolve the problem together. Invite discussion to hear out all perspectives and find a solution satisfactory to all parties. The approach is a relaxed style of negotiation.
As you speak up, keep in mind that arguing and blame never work to anyone’s advantage. The blame game only creates distrust along with a dissolution of friendships and partnerships. To avoid this type of harm, ask questions such as:
• Have you considered these potential outcomes?
• What if this occurs?
• What do you think about this approach to resolve the issue?
Be open and willing to answer questions directed your way in turn. Regardless of what transpires, your best strategy is to take the high road. Hold the best outcome for all in mind throughout the conversation.
Prepare for the occasion by giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror that you will get through the drama okay, and that all will end as it should. Show up to the meeting with a smile on your face and in your voice. Be willing to hear everyone out even if there is blame stacked against you.
Let’s start with the worst-case scenario. Allow those involved in the dilemma divulge the problems. After the fact, they are more likely to listen to ideas for fixes. Offer a variety of possibilities and then together select the best route to proceed. On the other hand, should someone not wish to listen or alter behavior to implement a solution, you have the signal to find an alternate course of action.
The steps above are a part of the sales process with clientele. The give and take of conversation and striving to fully understand the other person’s perspective brings about far greater possibility. When it comes to business, you may earn more sales with the thoughtful approach. But all of the above applies to our personal world, too.
Most people brace for an argument. But when you come across as pleasant, and with a desire to work things out, you significantly distinguish yourself from everyone else. By speaking up to resolve dilemmas, you pave the path to move forward together or find another venue more rewarding. Either way, it’s a win for you, and hopefully for the others involved, too.
No matter your endeavor, problems will arise. When you meet the issues with careful thought and review of how they came to be, your chances of securing a happy conclusion will increase. And should you be in business, your clientele will greatly appreciate your effort for taking their perspective into account and will reward you with loyalty.
Sales Tips
1. Speak up when necessary.
2. Explain your thinking and why it’s important.
3. Describe potential outfall if the problem remains as is.
4. Ask questions to see if the other party recognizes your concerns.
5. Suggest a compromise to satisfy everyone.
6. Negotiate an improved outcome.
7. Gain agreement on moving forward.
8. Check-in afterward to see if satisfaction holds.
9. Agree to periodic updates to remain in touch.
10. Celebrate Success!
Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
P.S. Send us your sales related questions to elinor@smoothsale.net.
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